10 ways to shape up after the summer holidays

So you’ve survived six weeks (or more) of no school. You’ve possibly even enjoyed having the little nippers around. But when the kids go back to school, or sometimes even before, it’s not uncommon to notice a thicker waist-line, altered eating habits and a lack of motivation to move. Perhaps…

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How to Make Fitness Inclusive, Fun and Empowering

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. When I first started my career in fitness, it was by accident. I took a year out to just ‘be’ and do some stuff I’d always wanted to do. Being active was a passion but I had never envisaged doing…

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Taking the fun out of fitness

Personal training. Spinning. Bootcamps. HITT training. Weights or no weights. Running vs. jogging. Pilates vs. yoga. Zumba. Walking the dog. Nordic walking … the list is endless. As someone who is immersed the fitness industry on a daily basis, both as a service provider and a writer, I’m forever bemused…

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