How to choose your first buggy

How to choose your first buggy or travel system. When it comes to getting-ready-for-baby investment purchases, choosing and buying your first buggy or travel system is up there with buying a car. The notable exception being there’s a good chance you’ll end up changing your car to meet your travel…

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20 Minute Stress Busting Pilates

If you’ve been stuck at your desk all morning, or you’ve had a tricky meeting, it can feel like your shoulders have tension all the way up to your ears, which is why I’ve created this 20 minute stress busting Pilates video. It’s different from my usual Pilates sessions in…

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5 ways to motivate yourself to exercise in autumn

5 ways to motivate yourself to exercise in autumn Is autumn is affecting your mood and energy, leaving you not wanting to exercise? Has your motivation to exercise got up and left the building? We understand. The initial ‘back to school’ excitement has worn off and all those plans you…

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Exercise for mental fitness. What you REALLY need to know.

How’s your mental fitness? How are you?  No, I actually mean: ‘How are you?’ As in, how’s the head? What the current situation with your mental health? There, I said it. Why am I even asking? Because it’s so completely connected to your physical health; to what we do (or…

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How to do Pilates when you’ve got period or tummy pain

How to do Pilates when you’ve got period or tummy pain When you have Adenomyosis/Endometriosis it can make Pilates uncomfortable and difficult. Whenever your tummy is inflamed or swollen, either from period related pain or excess abdominal fat, your abdominal muscles will be stretched/distended. If Pilates is your go to,…

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How to use Pilates to help back pain when you’re standing during pregnancy

How to use Pilates to help back pain when you’re standing during pregnancy. Here are some of my best tips for standing more comfortably when you’re pregnant I’ve been a pre and post natal fitness and Pilates expert for over 18 years, so I’ve seen hundreds of women through their pregnancies. During that…

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Lose weight or Lift weights to get muscle tone for women over 40?

Do you need to lose weight or lift weights to get muscle tone? So you want to get some definition in your muscles and you’re a woman in your 40s or your 50s. Here’s the killer question: Do you need to lift weights or do you need to lose weight,…

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Is it too late to get in shape if you’re a women in your late 50s?

Is it too late to get in shape if you’re a women in your late 50s? A question we often get asked by our local clients in Epping is: it ever too late to get in shape? More specifically: Is it too late to get in shape if you are…

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Why is it important to lift weights as you get older?

Fit School, Epping, Pilates, Fitness, Running,Women, Mid Life, over 40 , Fat Loss, Strength, Diet Why is it so important for you to lift weights, what we’d call resistance training, as you get older? We know exercise is ‘good for us’ as we get older but what is so important…

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