Tag: run
14 Reasons to Keep Training Throughout the Christmas Season
Fitness, Pilates, Epping, Essex It is the time of year which sorts the fitness tourists from the fitness converts. The want-to-try-ers from the where-do-I-sign-ers. As soon as that John Lewis ad hits our Facebook feed, I notice class numbers dwindling and fitness intentions being re-scheduled until the new year. STOP.…
10 ways to shape up after the summer holidays
14 Reasons to Keep Training Throughout the Christmas Season
Fitness, Pilates, Epping, Essex It is the time of year which sorts the fitness tourists from the fitness converts. The want-to-try-ers from the where-do-I-sign-ers. As soon as that John Lewis ad hits our Facebook feed, I notice class numbers dwindling and fitness intentions being re-scheduled until the new year. STOP.…