7 ways to improve running fitness in a heatwave if you can’t stand the temperature (or the pollen)

7 Ways to improve your running fitness in a heatwave if you can’t stand the heat (or the pollen) Are you a runner who’s struggling with the heat or current pollen levels and you’re worried if you don’t run you’ll lose your running fitness OR be underprepared for your next…

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14 Reasons to Keep Training Throughout the Christmas Season

Fitness, Pilates, Epping, Essex It is the time of year which sorts the fitness tourists from the fitness converts. The want-to-try-ers from the where-do-I-sign-ers. As soon as that John Lewis ad hits our Facebook feed, I notice class numbers dwindling and fitness intentions being re-scheduled until the new year. STOP.…

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10 ways to shape up after the summer holidays

So you’ve survived six weeks (or more) of no school. You’ve possibly even enjoyed having the little nippers around. But when the kids go back to school, or sometimes even before, it’s not uncommon to notice a thicker waist-line, altered eating habits and a lack of motivation to move. Perhaps…

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