Exercise for mental fitness. What you REALLY need to know.

How’s your mental fitness? How are you?  No, I actually mean: ‘How are you?’ As in, how’s the head? What the current situation with your mental health? There, I said it. Why am I even asking? Because it’s so completely connected to your physical health; to what we do (or…

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Take control of your health without the sweat

Fit School, Epping, Pilates, Fitness, Running, Ante Natal, Post Natal, Pregnancy, Buggy Fit At this time of year, Facebook posts from people sharing their new year’s fitness resolutions range from: This is me: Day 3 of C25K. I’ve never run before. I’m so sweaty. I’m going full Keto too. Check…

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Lost your focus during lockdown? How to get it back.

Did you lose your focus during lockdown? When I was in my final year of A-levels my favourite history teacher was replaced by a teacher I didn’t like. He had new methods of essay writing that jarred with what I’d been taught already. He also thought potato, singular, was spelt…

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5 little things to do when you don’t feel like doing exercise

Fit School Epping, Essex, Fitness, Pilates, how to get motivated when you don’t fee l like doing exercise “When are you going to play tennis with Cathy?” Chris asked me, whilst I was simultaneously trying to prepare dinner, listen in to a marketing seminar and keep half an eye to…

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How Pilates can Help with Overwhelm and Anxiety

Pilates classes in Epping, Essex. How Pilates can help with overwhelm and anxiety. ‘I miss you!’ Said a little sad voice as I handed over a ‘now too small’ school coat to the reception class teacher at my kids’ school. A house move had made it difficult for her to…

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What do you buy fit people for Christmas?

What do you buy fit people for Christmas? If you’ve followed us for a while, you’ll know that around this time of year I like to do a little Christmas list of sorts. And given it’s Black Friday today, there are a lot of nice offers out there if you…

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How to burn calories without exercise

Is it really possible to burn calories without exercising? What if I’m super busy or hate exercise and I just can’t fit it in? It’s the holy grail right? Well for newspaper headlines it probably is but here at Fit School we tend to think of exercise as something nice…

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7 of the Best Free Fitness Christmas Gifts

Free fitness christmas gifts fit school essex epping fitness pilates We know our Fit School team love a bit of retail therapy. It’s a fact that nothing will get that class or run around Epping on your schedule quicker than some spangly new leggings. And if you want a last…

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Can knowing your triggers help prevent a meltdown?

Fitness, Epping, Essex, Pilates, Exercise, Online Fitness, triggers, mental health, melt down During a particularly challenging time in my teenage life, my father gave me some brilliant advice: “It’s okay to juggle balls Karen, so long as all the balls stay up.” Actually my hand-eye co-ordination has always been something…

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5 Ways to Self Medicate Stress and Anxiety

If you go out into Epping Forest today, you’re sure to spot one of our Fit School members self-medicating their stress or anxiety. Obviously there’ll be no actual pharmaceutical drugs involved, instead they’ll be conspicuous by running, cycling, walking, talking, thinking, listening or just being. There will also be a…

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