Fit School’s Covid Risk Assessment

Covid Risk Assessment

Whilst risk assessments are completed for all aspects of business, a unique Covid risk assessment is required for in person classes.

Our general policies are:

  • To limit numbers in classes.
  • To take classes outside when weather permits.
  • We have a secure online booking system so we have an audit trail of attendees.
  • We will continue to live stream our classes via Zoom to ensure those who can’t attend/are shielding can attend classes virtually.
  • We don’t have a drop in class system so we always know who is attending classes.
  • Most classes are an hour long so there’s limited contact with any other parts of venues that the main teaching space.
  • Exercise and activity is beneficial for immune systems and in reducing symptoms of isolation.
  • We don’t share mats or equipment.
  • Hands to be washed in accordance with NHS guidelines before and after classes and hand sanitizer to be used during classes.
  • No physical contact between members unless a support bubble has been formed or members are in contact outside of class (thereby the class does not increase any non essential contact).
  • Class participants to remain at home if they feel unwell.

You can download the detailed risk assessment here: Fit School’s Covid Risk Assessment

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