A 6-week, bespoke programme (with support, face to face classes and one to one assessments) for anyone who’s been recommended to do Pilates by a physical therapist or is recovering from injury.
You know you need to do Pilates but you're not sure if classes alone are enough for you. Perhaps you're a bit nervous about joining classes because you need a bit more one to one help and you're worried about making your injury worse but you don't need private sessions.
- If your physiotherapist has recommended you do Pilates to manage or recover from a joint or health condition.
- If you're recovering from an injury and you need to re-work your workout schedule to get back to your happy, fit self.
- If a persistent niggle has flared up, you know what it is and you need a plan of action to get you back on form.
By the end of the 6 weeks you’ll feel better, move better and have an actionable plan to keep you pain free PLUS you’ll feel more confident in joining Pilates classes, may even feel ready to try something more energetic.
We want you to not just feel like yourself pre-injury or diagnosis but feel stronger and healthier because you’ve got a plan in place.
Helping people who are recovering from an injury or who want to know what to do to gradually get better, safely is what I love to do. I do this with Pilates but also with mobility exercises, breathing and encouraging you to move in a way that works for you and for your lifestyle. As well as Pilates, I can call on Chris who's a sports injury specialist. We work on client programmes together.
After struggling for months with neck ache and anxiety attacks, I 'floated' to school pick up after my first session!
INITIAL CONSULTATION/GET TO KNOW YOU: Following your referral we’ll arrange a one to one consultation. This can be in person (in your home) or online.
- We’ll work through any advice from your physiotherapist.
- We’ll discuss current symptoms and how it affects you.
- We’ll discuss previous exercise history, likes, dislikes and what exercise might work best for you.
- We’ll perform a visual diagnosis (you’ll need to do some exercises) to assess your mobility, range of movement and body awareness.
BESPOKE MOBILITY PROGRAMME: After the consultation we’ll create a short mobility programme for you to do at home that will start to bring relief and prepare you for classes.
WEEKLY PILATES CLASSES: Following the consultation you can start attending weekly classes. Your package includes 6 weeks of membership (worth £53) to access face to face or online classes and our on demand library of classes. Usually this will be Pilates but we’ll advise/discuss what’s going to be best for your condition.
MID-WAY MEET AND TWEAK: This is a 6-week programme. During your 6 weeks of classes we’ll arrange a 30 minute consultation where we’ll discuss any challenges in the classes, modifications or adaptations you can make to help you succeed and set a further homework programme to help your recovery progress.
END OF COURSE ASSESSMENTS: At the end of the 6-weeks we’ll arrange another short consultation to assess your mobility and recovery. We'll work out an action plan for you going forwards to either maintain or continue your recovery.
Pilates has really helped me in managing pain and discomfort … Through lockdown it was my one thing a week that I did for me and it was a saviour for my sanity on top of managing my back problem … I feel the benefit in getting my back moving and get a boost of positivity from you each week.
It’s for you if:
- You’ve been signed off or advised by your physiotherapist to do Pilates.
- You know that movement and exercise is vital to your continued recovery or long term ‘pain free’ health.
- You want some advice on movement and exercise for your condition.
It’s not for you if:
- You are injured but you’re not sure what it is.
- You want a drop in class because you’re not sure you can commit to regular exercise.
- You want to do exactly what you did before you got injured.
After regular classes with me people start to believe in their own bodies again. They have more confidence to move and plan fun activities again.
But I only want to do classes
You are welcome to just attend weekly classes but we’d recommend a little extra help if you have a specific health condition. Experiences of our existing clients who’ve come from a physical therapist referral consistently state that having a little extra private attention helps with quicker recovery and confidence.