I like to lift weights. Heavy weights. It makes me feel great.
For me, going to the gym, lifting weights and finishing off with perhaps a ten minute swim or sauna and a shower (in complete peace) is like switching a re-set button in my brain.
I feel calm.
I like to run too. Running gives my heart and lungs a great workout, airs my legs and allows my thoughts to roam. Sometimes I run without music so I can just think but on sunny mornings like today, I’ll tune into some great running beats and just immerse myself in my little running world.
I like to practice Pilates. I might take ten minutes before a class to have complete, flowing, peaceful practice time. There’s a tranquility and peace I find in silent, solo practice that I don’t get from other types of exercise.
But – when it’s just me and the bar and the lift – that’s when I can totally zone out.
No distractions. No kids. No thoughts.
The biggest reason I exercise is to clear my head. Through exercise I can process thoughts or get creative. Sometimes I might need to run hard to get rid of pent up stress or anger. Sometimes I need to just chill. The way exercise makes me look is always secondary to how it makes me feel. And having spoken with so many women in the fitness industry and women who are exercisers (rather than non-exercisers) it always comes back to mental wellbeing.
I can’t speak for men on this one but I do know that for the majority of women, the exercise hook is feels not looks.
We aren’t vain we’re just trying to stay sane!
Every exercise form gives us an opportunity to zone out or re-set, to process thoughts or to meditate.
Here are a few ideas on how you could use exercise to zone out or work out.
- Yoga can be both challenging exercising and challenging meditation. The postures in yoga were originally based on the meditation. This is why it’ s often recommended during addiction therapy or rehabilitation.
- Pilates is more of a conscious workout. Joseph Pilates originally called his method, controlology. The control of muscles through the mind. We are very mindful of technique during Pilates exercises.
- Swimming can feel like re-birth. Yes you can go hard and workout your circulatory system (swimming is a great challenge for the lungs) or you can enjoy the simple pleasure of weightlessness and water. It’s rhythmic and repetitive and no phones are allowed.
- Running can feel hard or could let you go for a great chat with a friend. When running alone you can internalise by focusing on how your body feels or you can let your thoughts wander.
- High energy classes like martial arts or boxing can literally allow you to fight off your stresses.
Of course there are always ways of exercising optimally but the most important thing with exercise is to find something you love and find balance.
Enjoy x