Chocolate Polenta Cake

This cake evolved from a Nigella recipe and a rainy afternoon activity with Isaac, who is rather partial to chocolate cake and munching on walnuts while mummy mixes (many batches of banana cake from spotty bananas have meant walnut munching is now a baking staple). I didn’t intend for it…

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Salt is good for you – as long as it’s pink

Salt. Elixir of flavour, bursting with trace minerals, nature’s antiseptic (cat owners will know the joy that is bathing pussy’s poorly paw in a saline solution), ancient preserver of food stuffs, foe of snow and water softener. But in modern times, salt has become eeeevillll. The invention of table salt,…

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Hearty Chicken, Carrot and Squash Soup – with a super greens twist

On Monday I wrote about rain. Or rather how to fight the rainy day, wintry blues. As much as I love the summer with all its warm sunshine, there are certain things about the kitchen in autumn that just don’t work for me in 30 degree July heat. One of…

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Sticky chicken thighs with roasted veggies and cherry tomatoes

I’ve always been a fan of the humble chicken thigh. They’re full of flavour which lends them perfectly to curries and strong flavours; they’re great in the slow cooker; they’re deliciously juicy simply roasted – and to my mind far superior to the humble drumstick which can be a bit…

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