Why is it so hard to talk about fat loss and weight

Fat loss. Weight. Fat. Shape. Size. Body image. Diets. They’ve all become politicised or loaded terms. It can feel a bit uncomfortable. We all have bits of our lives which we feel sensitive about. Our upbringing, personal circumstances, experiences or choices put a unique skew on our version of the…

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21 Ways to Stay Fit During School Holidays

Just as kids can suffer from school holidays brain regression, so can your fitness and health efforts. And with end-0f-term-itis high on the agenda this week, it’s easy to slip into a panic about the weeks of relentless, “Muuuuuuuuuum……” ahead. But your physical health really can survive the long break.…

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9 Energy Boosting Diet Hacks

It’s September and for nost of our Fit School members that means back to school for the kids and back to routine. Holiday and summer season is great but we can pop out the other side feeling slugglish and carrying on holiday habits, like increased alcohol consumption, grazing and foody…

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Why can’t I stop eating sugar?

I know. It’s hard. Without decisive action I can quickly slip into a sweet and sugary space. Going cold turkey seems like the hardest thing to do. We are programmed with a sweet tooth (mother’s milk is slightly sweet) it gives us energy. In fact studies consistently show that sugar…

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Winter survival guide – don’t let colds and flu in

Essex cold snaps, endless drizzle, an extra hour in bed at the weekend and Epping Forest getting thinner every day add up to one thing: winter is on the horizon! If colder months usually leave you sniffling and flu-ridden, now is the time to take action against viral infections and…

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Hearty Chicken, Carrot and Squash Soup – with a super greens twist

On Monday I wrote about rain. Or rather how to fight the rainy day, wintry blues. As much as I love the summer with all its warm sunshine, there are certain things about the kitchen in autumn that just don’t work for me in 30 degree July heat. One of…

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Six weeks to OMG: Get skinnier than all your friends

This is the latest diet book to make it big.  Make it so big in fact that author Venice A Fulton (real name Paul Khanna) is set to make monster bucks as the paperback version of his book flies of the shelves. Previously self-published on line, Six weeks to OMG is doing…

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Mood Food

Mood swings. Depression. Anxiety. As women, we get used to a fair amount of hormonal fluctuations and the occasional down day. But add babies, money worries, sleeplessness and mum hormones to the balance, and the occasional teary day can become less occasional. Whilst depression is a medical condition, requiring medical attention,…

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