Help! I don’t understand Pilates. Pilates jargon explained.

Pilates classes in Epping, Essex and online. Pilates jargon explained. Pilates jargon can make an exercise class feel complicated. If you’re new to Pilates or perhaps taking a break from busy day to fit in an online Pilates class, being baffled by Pilates jargon that you don’t understand is not…

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When can I start running again after having a baby?

When can I start running again after a baby? Post natal. Pilates. Running. Epping. Fit School It is a question I get asked a lot by my post natal clients. When can I start running again? It’s a toughie. On one hand, I completely understand the need and want to…

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The Princess. The bump. Your body. How long does it really take to recover after pregnancy and birth?

Pregnancy, Pilates, Epping, Essex, post birth recovery,  Fit School, Karen Laing, Ante Natal, Princess Kate, Princess Meghan, Royal Baby, Post birth recovery ****NOTE: Please note this article was written following the birth of Prince George in 2013. Since then there have been two more royal, ‘William and Kate’ babies, Charlotte…

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Winter survival guide – don’t let colds and flu in

Essex cold snaps, endless drizzle, an extra hour in bed at the weekend and Epping Forest getting thinner every day add up to one thing: winter is on the horizon! If colder months usually leave you sniffling and flu-ridden, now is the time to take action against viral infections and…

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Why women need to get intimate with themselves

It’s estimated that a third of all women will suffer with some kind of pelvic floor disorder in their lifetime.  And that’s just medically reported cases of conditions like pelvic organ prolapse, bladder or faecal incontinence. These are life changing problems, often accompanied by depression and fear.  It’s not easy…

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How to train your pelvic floor muscles

If you think I’m slightly obsessive about spreading the pelvic floor message to all of womankind (ambitious … me?) you’d be right.  If you’ve already done your exercises today then please tell me to give it up. Still here? I thought so. So I’ve just been asked to write a…

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Six weeks to OMG: Get skinnier than all your friends

This is the latest diet book to make it big.  Make it so big in fact that author Venice A Fulton (real name Paul Khanna) is set to make monster bucks as the paperback version of his book flies of the shelves. Previously self-published on line, Six weeks to OMG is doing…

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