10 Tips for a Happy Pregnancy

I’ve been a pregnancy and post natal Pilates and exercise expert for close to 12 years. Throughout this time I’ve trained women privately and in groups. I’ve coached group prenatal fitness but mainly prenatal Pilates. I’ve seen nearly 500 pregnancies, fairly up close and personal (as well has two of…

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Headaches, push-ups and tennis elbow: The shoulder blade connection

THIS week, across all my classes, there’s a bit of a theme. Clue: They are behind you and you need them to move your arms. Anatomically speaking I’m referring to your scapulae, without the latin they are your shoulder blades. Any arm or shoulder movement is dependent on your shoulder…

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Want a flat tummy? My top 5 dos and don’ts

DON’T EAT SUGARS OR REFINED CARBS. This one’s simple. Cut it out for a week and then tell me you haven’t lost fat on your tummy. DON’T EAT PROCESSED FOODS. Yes even and especially diet ones. Flat tummies start in the kitchen.  No amount of exercise can out do a poor…

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