Diastasis recti or abdominal separation. Can we fix it?

What is it? Diastasis recti (DR) is the medical way of saying abdominal separation. During pregnancy the line down the middle of your abdominals (the linea alba) will stretch to accommodate your growing uterus and baby. It often occurs to some degree during pregnancy but DR usually refers to abdominals…

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Naomi’s birth story

AS a pre and post natal exercise specialist, NCT volunteer and mum of young children, I’m often surrounded by birth stories. Good, bad and ugly. I had polar opposite experiences with the births of my children, so before the memories fade, I thought the time was ripe to pen my…

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Sit ups, the fastest way to a flat tummy after having a baby (I lied)

I’m starting with a little rant. Sit ups, crunches and ab curls, call them what you will, are possibly the worst exercise choice you could make after having a baby. Unfortunately, large organisations like Bounty are still recommending sit ups as a tried and tested way of getting a flat…

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