8 reasons you might need a personal trainer

Personal Trainer Epping We love our group Pilates, fitness and running club at Fit School but there are occasions where individuals benefit from personal trainer attention. This could be a program specific to their needs or one to one coaching with either Chris or Karen. Gone are the days when…

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12 Steps to Getting Your Fitness on Track – For Good

fitness, fitness challenge, getting your fitness on track, epping, essex, fit school, running January, early February and May are some of the busiest times of the year for Fit School, from Pilates enquiries, personal training and fitness plans to run club. Even babies get in on the boom time action…

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Is Life as a Pilates Instructor Any Good?

14 years ago I handed over my IBM laptop and accompanying padded PwC Consulting bag, ethernet cable and a generous salary for a voluntary redundancy package. I was 25. Disillusioned by the corporate world. I didn’t see my future in what I was doing and I’ve always had a need…

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