Am I fit enough to run a marathon?

One of the most common questions our Fit School Run Club members (or want to be members) ask us is: Am I fit enough to run a marathon? Some don’t even like to admit they want to run a marathon because they think it’s beyond them. The simple answer is…

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8 reasons you might need a personal trainer

Personal Trainer Epping We love our group Pilates, fitness and running club at Fit School but there are occasions where individuals benefit from personal trainer attention. This could be a program specific to their needs or one to one coaching with either Chris or Karen. Gone are the days when…

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Could Breathing Boost Your Performance and Help Recovery?

Breathing. For many of us it’s the last thing on our minds once we’ve laced up our trainers and hit the gym but could the way you breathe be stopping you from reaching your fitness goals? Breathing technique can affect our endurance, our speed and our recovery. It can also…

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