5 common questions about pelvic pain after birth

5 Common Questions about Pelvic Pain after Birth Many women will experience pelvic pain after birth. This could be from trauma sustained during birth, from referred pain following intervention or from ongoing PGP or SPD which started during pregnancy. Most medical professionals will advise it will go away in time…

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How to strengthen your pelvic floor for new mums

how to strengthen your pelvic floor, pilates in epping, post natal pilates and fitness in epping essex How to strengthen your pelvic floor. As a Pilates instructor and women’s health writer it’s an area of the female body and of post natal training that I’ve had more than a passing…

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Pelvic floor or ‘lady bits’ worries? Why it’s time to see a women’s health physiotherapist

Pilates, Epping, Pregnancy, Ante Natal women’s health physiotherapist Pelvic floor or ‘lady bits’ worries? Why it’s time to see a women’s health physiotherapist. From pelvic pain during pregnancy, to urinary incontinence we often refer our Pilates participants and private clients to see a women’s health physiotherapist (WHP). Unfortunately, women’s healthy…

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