10 Reasons to Attend Fitness Events Outside of Your Regular Class

Whether it’s fitness events, a workshops or a retreat, stepping out from your regular class routine can have a really positive impact on your fitness and wellbeing. Chris and I have been running Fit School for four years now in Epping. Before that we were teaching classes and training in…

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5 Resolutions To Make 2017 Your Fittest Ever? #DesperateFitness Free

It’s that time of year when Fitness Frank and Pilates Penny can make you feel like you aren’t good enough. From Instagram #fitspirations who just make you feel fat, to endless 30 day challenges promising everything from losing fat while you sleep to getting you an ab crack*. And then…

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10 Signs Your New Year Fitness Goals Are Already on Track (Huffington Post Article)

1. You’ve already incorporated more activity into your life. Actions speak louder than words. If you really want to change something, you’ll have already made steps to do so. Being more active doesn’t mean you’ve already been for a run or hit the gym (although that’s a great start). You…

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