8 steps to losing weight for women over 40

Fit School, Epping, Pilates, Fitness, Running,Women, Mid Life, over 40 , Fat Loss, Strength, Diet Women of midlife: how do you lose weight? Because so far, this attempt at a diet is not working. This little plea from a journalist I follow on Twitter piqued my interest. Mainly because a)…

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Take control of your health without the sweat

Fit School, Epping, Pilates, Fitness, Running, Ante Natal, Post Natal, Pregnancy, Buggy Fit At this time of year, Facebook posts from people sharing their new year’s fitness resolutions range from: This is me: Day 3 of C25K. I’ve never run before. I’m so sweaty. I’m going full Keto too. Check…

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How exercise can help your coordination

Are you uncoordinated? How exercise can help your coordination.Fit School, fitness, running, Pilates, Epping How’s your coordination? No we aren’t talking matchy matchy fashion. We’re talking an ability for your neural pathways to connect stimulus to movement and to repeat it. Some people will tell us they are uncoordinated or…

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5 little things to do when you don’t feel like doing exercise

Fit School Epping, Essex, Fitness, Pilates, how to get motivated when you don’t fee l like doing exercise “When are you going to play tennis with Cathy?” Chris asked me, whilst I was simultaneously trying to prepare dinner, listen in to a marketing seminar and keep half an eye to…

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8 reasons why your workouts aren’t working

You’ve done the difficult bit. You’ve established a regular exercise habit. Perhaps you even have your workouts scheduled. When you started it was all good. You were seeing AND feeling results (there’s nothing like a bit of butt or abs ache to know you’ve worked hard). And you felt motivated.…

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12 Steps to Getting Your Fitness on Track – For Good

fitness, fitness challenge, getting your fitness on track, epping, essex, fit school, running January, early February and May are some of the busiest times of the year for Fit School, from Pilates enquiries, personal training and fitness plans to run club. Even babies get in on the boom time action…

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Could You Find Happiness in 30 Minutes?

Fit School, Epping, Pilates, Fitness, Running, Ante Natal, Post Natal, Pregnancy, Buggy Fit Yesterday a client sent me a lovely message, direct from her holidays, to say how being more active had brought new found happiness. How she had felt comfortable getting involved in running races and being active with…

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