How to choose your first buggy

How to choose your first buggy or travel system. When it comes to getting-ready-for-baby investment purchases, choosing and buying your first buggy or travel system is up there with buying a car. The notable exception being there’s a good chance you’ll end up changing your car to meet your travel…

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How to do Pilates when you’ve got period or tummy pain

How to do Pilates when you’ve got period or tummy pain When you have Adenomyosis/Endometriosis it can make Pilates uncomfortable and difficult. Whenever your tummy is inflamed or swollen, either from period related pain or excess abdominal fat, your abdominal muscles will be stretched/distended. If Pilates is your go to,…

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How to use Pilates to help back pain when you’re standing during pregnancy

How to use Pilates to help back pain when you’re standing during pregnancy. Here are some of my best tips for standing more comfortably when you’re pregnant I’ve been a pre and post natal fitness and Pilates expert for over 18 years, so I’ve seen hundreds of women through their pregnancies. During that…

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5 common questions about pelvic pain after birth

5 Common Questions about Pelvic Pain after Birth Many women will experience pelvic pain after birth. This could be from trauma sustained during birth, from referred pain following intervention or from ongoing PGP or SPD which started during pregnancy. Most medical professionals will advise it will go away in time…

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Why I Want You to Care About Your Psoas

Your psoas is an amazing muscle which is fundamental to free movement, strength and wellbeing but our lifestyles are screwing it up. Back in the 90s and 00s it was all about core stability and your transversus abdominis (TVA). We taught about layers of abdominal muscle and how strengthening them…

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6 ways to love your back

We know that for many, Pilates is a ‘go to’ class for back health. Pilates is brilliant for backs. We move it, strengthen the muscles around it, release the muscles around it and increase circulation and joint mobility … the list goes on. Although, as I’ve mentioned in previous posts,…

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Optimal Baby Positioning Healthy Back Pregnancy

This podcast is fantastic for those last few months of pregnancy. These moves will guide you through getting baby into optimal positioning for birth whilst relaxing and easing out any niggles in your back. Running time: 6 minutes, 17 seconds.

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Back pain: A long term project

Here’s a post from our Fit School pages, written by Fit School co-director Chris Laing. Most people will experience back pain in their lives. It can vary from an ache, to full on debilitating agony. Long term pain of any kind can lead to depression and many people feel their…

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Butts, backs and shoulders: It’s time to focus on your rear

Check out any gym timetable these days and the majority of the classes focus on ‘the bits we can see in the mirror.’ Abs, pecs, biceps, quads – it could be said our training has got a bit vain. Add to this that the first sign of back pain leaves…

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