61 reasons to exercise

61 reasons to exercise which don’t include how we look. How to get motivated to exercise. Fitness, running and Pilates in Epping We all know that exercise is good for us. It can boost our health, help reduce our chances of getting both age related diseases and nasties like heart…

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How to burn calories without exercise

Is it really possible to burn calories without exercising? What if I’m super busy or hate exercise and I just can’t fit it in? It’s the holy grail right? Well for newspaper headlines it probably is but here at Fit School we tend to think of exercise as something nice…

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Forget gyms and bootcamps. 30 minutes of exercise is all you need.

Thirty-minutes of heart-raising activity, done regularly, is all it takes for the majority of people to get fitter, lose fat or move better. You don’t need to flip tyres, perform plyometric squat jumps or invert yourself in pulleys. You don’t need to train for marathons or climb mountains. These things…

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How to Fit Exercise Into Your Busy Life

Fit School, Pilates, running, fat loss, Epping, fit exercise into your busy life, Essex It’s a question I get asked a lot: “Karen, I’m just so busy – how can I fit exercise in around childcare/work/family?” Now I hear you. I feel your pain. I know that I absolutely need to exercise…

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Could exercise stop breast cancer coming back?

We all know that exercise, eating well and reducing our exposure to common oestrogen disrupting chemicals like parabens can reduce our risk of getting breast cancer. But if you are one of the unlucky 1 in 8 women in the UK who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, could you…

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