Category: Ante Natal
5 questions to ask your Pregnancy Pilates Instructor before booking
Pregnancy Pilates, Prenatal, Antenatal, Epping, Essex What makes a great Pregnancy Pilates Instructor you can trust with your pregnancy journey? Whether it’s Pilates, yoga, fitness classes or personal training a pregnancy specific class isn’t just about modifying moves to fit you in, it’s about creating a programme of exercise that…
Can I run when I’m pregnant?
The Very Unsexy Guide to Exercising Safely During Pregnancy
10 Tips for a Happy Pregnancy
I’ve been a pregnancy and post natal Pilates and exercise expert for close to 12 years. Throughout this time I’ve trained women privately and in groups. I’ve coached group prenatal fitness but mainly prenatal Pilates. I’ve seen nearly 500 pregnancies, fairly up close and personal (as well has two of…
Optimal Baby Positioning Healthy Back Pregnancy
Pelvic Floor. To squeeze or not to squeeze. Pre/post natal essentials
One of the most common reasons my ante natal participants come to Fit School’s Epping classes is to get expert advice on their pelvic floor. During pregnancy and birth, the pelvic floor muscles undergo some major stresses and strains. Obviously having great muscle tone before pregnancy, so being active and…
Naomi’s birth story
Is your baby positioned for an easy exit?
Top 10 things you can do for an easier birth
5 questions to ask your Pregnancy Pilates Instructor before booking
Pregnancy Pilates, Prenatal, Antenatal, Epping, Essex What makes a great Pregnancy Pilates Instructor you can trust with your pregnancy journey? Whether it’s Pilates, yoga, fitness classes or personal training a pregnancy specific class isn’t just about modifying moves to fit you in, it’s about creating a programme of exercise that…
Can I run when I’m pregnant?
The Very Unsexy Guide to Exercising Safely During Pregnancy
10 Tips for a Happy Pregnancy
I’ve been a pregnancy and post natal Pilates and exercise expert for close to 12 years. Throughout this time I’ve trained women privately and in groups. I’ve coached group prenatal fitness but mainly prenatal Pilates. I’ve seen nearly 500 pregnancies, fairly up close and personal (as well has two of…
Optimal Baby Positioning Healthy Back Pregnancy
Pelvic Floor. To squeeze or not to squeeze. Pre/post natal essentials
One of the most common reasons my ante natal participants come to Fit School’s Epping classes is to get expert advice on their pelvic floor. During pregnancy and birth, the pelvic floor muscles undergo some major stresses and strains. Obviously having great muscle tone before pregnancy, so being active and…