How to choose your first buggy

How to choose your first buggy or travel system.

When it comes to getting-ready-for-baby investment purchases, choosing and buying your first buggy or travel system is up there with buying a car. The notable exception being there’s a good chance you’ll end up changing your car to meet your travel system and new family needs!

There are so many out there, it can feel overwhelming. 

How much should you spend? Does more expensive always mean better?

Can you really find a one size fits all for running in the forest, walking the dog, using on public transport, meeting friends for coffee and travelling? Or – should you lower your initial outlay and have a selection?

I confess I’m out of touch with modern travel systems, since my youngest baby is now 10 (eek) but I do remember the challenges buggies raised and things I wish I’d known before choosing the one my friend had researched because – well – she was one of those compare and contrast spreadsheet types and I wasn’t.

Here are just a few of those considerations:

  • Does it come with adaptors for a car seat?
  • How easy is it to adapt from buggy to car seat?
  • Does it have forward/backwards facing for all seat/bassinet settings?
  • Will I trip over the basket attachment?
  • Can I adjust the handles so other family members can use it?
  • Will the wheels get stuck in mud?
  • As above for brakes?
  • How easy are the brakes to apply?
  • How wide is it for getting in/out of shops?
  • How big is the basket for shopping?
  • How’s the suspension?
  • Does it have a take out carry cot for tiny, sleeping babies?
  • How easy is it to get down/up for getting in the car?
  • Will it fit in my car?
  • Will it fit in other care givers’ cars?
  • Can it take an extra baby/toddler?
  • Will it fit in my house/get up stairs/get in door without waking sleeping baby?

You get the point? I’m sure you can add to these?

Real mum recommendations

Who better to ask about the reality of life with their chosen travel system than my current cohort of post natal mums. I spoke with them after class about the pros and cons of their buggies.

Here’s what they said:



  • It’s sturdy and meets needs well.
  • It has a large bassinet attachment.
  • It has a big basket for shopping.


  • It’s big which makes it difficult to get in/out of cars and shops/home.



  • It’s sturdy and suspension works well in the forest on a dry day.
  • Even though it’s solid and big it is light and easy to push.
  • If you have a big baby, the different attachments mean you’ll get longevity out of the Bugaboo.


  • Cost

YO-YO – got mixed feedback


  • Versatile
  • Light
  • Fits under a table easily in coffee shops/restaurants


  • Very small canopy for protection
  • Not sturdy enough to use in forest/fields
  • If you have a big baby they’ll outgrow this very quickly



  • Great for off road running with baby
  • Very manoeuvrable.


  • You’d need an additional lightweight buggy for travelling
  • All the featured extras are extras. You have to buy in addition.



  • Big
  • Comes with a detachable basket, blackout shade and vent – ideal for sleeping babies.
  • Easy to convert from buggy to car seat.


  • Not great in mud
  • It’s big to store/get in car


  • It’s little!

Where to Buy?

If you know what you want, my mums recommend looking on selling sites like Facebook marketplace, Vinted and eBay. Most bought travel system extras on selling sites rather than new.

You can also get a discount on a John Lewis bundle so wait to buy everything together, especially if you’d like the guarantee.

So there you have it. Whilst I suspect I’m not going to be headhunted for Which anytime soon on the back of these reviews, hopefully it might help give you a real world view of your choices.

And, of course, if you need to follow up with any of my reviewers, just give me a shout.

Happy shopping!


For details on Karen’s ante natal classes visit: Pilates for Pregnancy

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