Free fitness christmas gifts fit school essex epping fitness pilates
We know our Fit School team love a bit of retail therapy. It’s a fact that nothing will get that class or run around Epping on your schedule quicker than some spangly new leggings. And if you want a last minute list of ‘Christmas stuff I’d like’ for the special someone in your life – who has yet to do their Christmas gifting (we know who you are) then that list is here.
Perhaps though you are after something a little different.
Saving the planet
We are all about looking at things from the other side of the problem. And this year has been one of … well there’s been a little political uncertainty in the air hasn’t there? Plus a whole heap of reminders about the state of the planet. Cheap cotton production, throwaway plastics and our disposable culture are all adding to the plight of those poor little penguin chicks and big blue whales.
Christmas (*** cue the schmultzy Idina Menzel duets with Michaal Buble backed by a children’s choir and jingle bells music ***) is a time for giving, sharing and forgiving. Getting together. We know that lots of our lovely members have had pretty rough years. Losing people you love; caring for people you love who are struggling to cope; painful memories; and having to navigate through an unexpected change of circumstance can all bring back what’s REALLY important at this time of year. And it isn’t the stuff, is it?!
The gift of time
Last Friday I spent time with a friend I’ve known from childhood who has been in and out of my life – we’ve done different life stages at different times but we still have 30 years of history. She’s had a tougher year than most but she navigates through the storms better than any person I know. She’s hosting Christmas for the first time this year and she asked me to show her how to make mince pies. And do you know what … that pastry did not behave itself at all! In fact it was some of the worst pastry I had ever seen. True to form however – we managed to salvage a delicious looking plate of mince pies from the rubbly mess. But the point is not about the pies. I was sharing time, intention and space and we had some of those chats that go deep. In the space of two hours we helped and coached each other and without articulating it, we knew we had each others’ backs. I could have given her the pies but instead, we spent time together.
So in the spirit of Christmas wishes that aren’t about spending money or stuff but are all about time, intention and encouragement – here is our alternative fit Christmas gift guide.
Who do you know who you could gift these very special ‘fitness and wellness time’ Christmas presents to?
- I promise to attend a class with you. If you know someone who has been putting it off or is perhaps scared to attend a class, book them in. We’ll always offer the encourager plus one a free space.
- I’m going to make a regular appointment to see you/spend time with you/exercise with you. Time is perhaps our most valuable commodity. It is fixed and unknown. So if there is someone really special in your life, commit to that regular meet up.
- I’m gifting you one/some of my favourite, healthy, family recipes. Perhaps you know someone who is afraid of cooking. Why not spend time with them, teaching them how to make a family favourite? Or give them a recipe and check in on them? This year Martina kindly gave me her Oma’s (grandmother’s) secret recipe for Vanillekipferl. I will think of her every time I make them and eat them.
- I’m gifting you a goal we can train for together. Sit down with a friend or relative and choose a goal. It could be physical, a regular commitment or discipline or it could be an event. But it will make you spend time together and share the journey.
- I’m gifting you the promise of accountability. Have your friend’s back. Keep them accountable. Be their coach and their friend (this might mean calling them out on their BS).
- I’m gifting you pre arranged times I will be in with the kids so you can attend a class or train. This is *so* important if you are the primary care giver in your home. Make sure you give each other time and space to get out and move – alone!
- I’m gifting us a family/couple day out where we all learn something new. Be present with each other rather than giving presents. I still remember the times Chris and I have learned new skills together. Surfing and kayakin in Hawaii; rock climbing in France (remembered mainly for the fear but also for how well we knew each other); our Christmas gift of a session at the snow dome in Manchester. You don’t forget things you learn together. Make it your Christmas gift this year.
And that’s it. The cheese-fest of loveliness and schmultz is over, briefly. I can be found dribbling with my mulled wine whilst making chestnut stuffing balls, listening to the John Rutter Christmas album, wearing my festive apron!
Ho ho ho …. until the Grinch gets home.