Fit School’s BIG Fitness Day Out

Fit School members, newcomers and friends came together in Epping yesterday afternoon to workout, learn new skills and kick start their 2018 fitness goals with a mixture of Pilates, running, martial arts, HIIT and boxing.

After months of planning, our programme for the afternoon was designed with a mixture of new skills, aerobic, strength and mobility in mind. As well as a blend of sweat and laughter.

After a brief warm up, Sarah started the day with a taster of Move and Tone, the new class we’re designing for over 50s. The class includes light impact, aerobic, mobility and resistance exercises.

During the class, half of our attendees were having a taster of Run Club with Chris. Following some hill running drills, they re-joined the room for running technique work like hip stretches, speed and mobility work.

Then it was over to Pilates with Karen – a taster class, focusing on a some key Pilates moves: Developing control in the hips and lower back and learning the foundations of Pilates abdominal work.

During Pilates, Chris was seriously challenging our male attendees with his Move Man class. This class is specifically for men who already exercise but who need to build some movement and conditioning work into their programme, especially as they age (and the body is less resilient).

Chris then led the whole group with Core and Abs. This short session was about understanding hip control and stability. Participants did three basic moves: the crunch; the leg stretch and the plank. They learned about the importance of movement quality over quantity.

Then it was onto our HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and Boxing Circuits sessions, led by Sarah and Chris. We were back into high energy mode with all our participants giving 100%.

We were pleased to be joined by Wing Chun coach Chris Matthews for a special skills taster session. This style of Kung Fu (apparently originally designed by a woman) focuses on self defense and disarming opponents or attackers with some basic moves and blocks.

The afternoon finished with a full group, team teach aerobics mash up. Sarah, Chris and Karen got all invited attendees moving with a mixture of combat, conditioning and old skool high energy aerobics moves. It was the perfect finish to an uplifting afternoon. Everyone joined in and it was lovey to see smiles and laughing all round.

Thank you to everyone who came along. It was the first January, fitness event we have put on and given the number of positive comments we had yesterday, we’ll definitely be doing more like this one.

We loved our goody bags. Special thanks to Natalie for sorting them out for us. Thank you to our generous suppliers too:

Emily’s Crisps for their fruit crisps.

Urban Fruit for the yummy dried fruit

Bounce Foods for the protein balls

YogaLeggs for the generous discount vouchers 

Thanks also to Ivy Chimneys School, especially to head teacher Mr Furness for giving up his Saturday afternoon to let us in!

The whole team would like to thank those who came along and supported the day. Our vision isn’t about short term fads, it’s about making activity something to look forward to. We want to help our members understand how to train their bodies better for their needs and lifestyles. Fitness isn’t exclusive. We want our business to be part of the community.

See you at the next one!

If you’d like to be at our next event or find out more about any of the above classes, do email us at or you can sign up to our mailing list at the bottom of the page.






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